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[已完成翻译] [SETI]翻译 sah_enhanced 页面

发表于 2006-5-5 18:34:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

总共 9 段话,不多,愿意翻译的请回帖。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-5 18:36:39 | 显示全部楼层
我先翻前四段,从On May到previous versions were

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-5 18:52:19 | 显示全部楼层
On May 3, 2006 we started distributing work for a new version of SETI@home called "SETI@home Enhanced". This new version is a factor of two more sensitive to Gaussian signals and to some kinds of pulsed signals than the original SETI@home. There is a cost to this increased sensitivity in terms of the extra analysis requiring more computing power. But thanks to the efforts of some SETI@home volunteers, this new application has been optimized to the point where it will run faster on some workunits than earlier versions. However some workunits (the best workunits, scientifically speaking) will take significantly longer. Here are the answers to some questions you may have.

在2006年5月3日我们开始了 "SETI@home Enhanced" 这一新版本的 SETI@home 的工作包的分发。这个新版本对高斯信号和脉冲信号的灵敏度是以往的版本的三倍。更高的灵敏度的代价就是需要更多的计算资源。但是,感谢一些 SETI@home 的志愿者,新版本已经进行了优化,对于某些工作包甚至比旧版本用的时间还要少。但是有一些工作包(更准确地说,是最有用的工作包)用的时间会明显地更长。以下是你可能有的一些疑问的解答。


How do I get SETI@home Enhanced?

我怎么才能得到 SETI@home Enhanced 呢?

You don't have to do anything in order to get the new version. BOINC will download it automatically when you are given work to be done by the new version. We are releasing this work slowly, because the new version is fairly large, and we don't want to use up all of our bandwidth with downloads of the new application.

你什么也不用做。当你接受到新版本的工作包时,BOINC 会自动下载新版本的程序。因为新版本的程序比较大,而我们又不想让这个完全占用我们的带宽,我们会缓慢地发放新版本的工作包。

When will I get SETI@home Enhanced?

我什么时候才能得到 SETI@home Enhanced ?

Because we are proceeding slowly it may take up to a month to distribute the new version to everyone.


Will I notice a difference when I get the new version?


There's not much visual difference between the new version and the previous version. The only differences are that the title above the data analysis section has been changed to "SETI@home Enhanced" and the location at which the data has been taken has been added to the workunit information display. You will probably notice a change in the amount of time needed to process the data. The range of processing times are far more variable than previous versions were

能看得到的差异几乎没有,除了数据分析的标题栏变为“SETI@home Enhanced” ,而数据采集的地点会被显示。你可能会注意到进行处理的时间。新版本进行处理的时间有较大的波动。


参与人数 1维基拼图 +12 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 12



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-5 18:52:47 | 显示全部楼层
Should I cancel the work units I am currently working on?
Please don't. It's likely you will more work for the standard SETI@home before you get work for SETI@home Enhanced.

请不要取消。在您获得 SETI@home 增强版任务包之前您还将继续获得相当数量的 SETI@home 标准版任务包。

Can I download the Enhanced application manually and run it on the work units I already have?
The Enhanced application generated different results than the standard application. If you run SETI@home Enhanced on work designed for the standard app, your results won't compare with the other results for that work unit, your work will be marked invalid, and you won't get credit for your work.


Will credits change with the new version?
The new version grants credits in a slightly different fashion than the old version. Credits are now based upon the actual number of floating point operations done rather than by multiplying the benchmark results by the time taken. That means that there will be a much smaller spread in the claimed credits than with the standard version. Some computers may get more credit per hour than before, some may get less.


Will my current credits go away?


Will optimized versions be available?
Yes. The source code is available under the terms of the GPL, so people who want specifically optimized versions can build them and distribute them. Because SETI@home links with other libraries released under the GPL, we need to be more strict in how we enforce the terms of the license. People who distribute optimized versions must include copies of the files README, COPYING, COPYRIGHT, and AUTHORS with the binaries they distribute. If the distributors of optimized versions modify the source code of SETI@home, they must make the modified source code available as well. If you set up SETI@home Enhanced using the BOINC anonymous platform mechanism it is important that you use "setiathome_enhanced" as the application name.

当然。源代码的发布是符合 GPL 协议的,任何人都可以编制专门的优化版本,并任意传播。因为一些与 SETI@home 相关的其他文献的发布也是符合 GPL 协议的,所以我们需要实施更为严格的许可证规定。在发行优化版本时,软件包中必须含有以下文件的拷贝:README、COPYING、COPYRIGHT 和 AUTHORS。如果优化版本的发布者对 SETI@home 源代码进行过修改,那么发布者必须开放其优化版本的源代码。如果您使用“BOINC anonymous platform mechanism (BOINC 匿名平台机制)”来设置 SETI@home 增强版,您必须使用“setiathome_enhanced”来作为应用程序的名称。


参与人数 2基本分 +90 维基拼图 +65 收起 理由
BiscuiT + 90 + 40
霊烏路 空 + 25



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-7 23:42:03 | 显示全部楼层
The new version grants credits in a slightly different fashion than the old version. Credits are now based upon the actual number of floating point operations done rather than by multiplying the benchmark results by the time taken. That means that there will be a much smaller spread in the claimed credits than with the standard version.

新版与标准版有些许差异。我们将根据实际浮点运算量来给分,而不是使用基准测试结果(benchmark results)乘以运算时间的方式。如此一来,申请积分(claim credits)的波动幅度将大幅减少。



参与人数 1维基拼图 +2 收起 理由
霊烏路 空 + 2



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-8 20:32:27 | 显示全部楼层
时间的确弄错了,是5月3日,我改一下。上面一段你翻译的比我翻译的要准确,关键是这句话:Credits are now based upon the actual number of floating point operations done rather than by multiplying the benchmark results by the time taken.  比较难以理解。

使用道具 举报

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