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[待翻译] Open Science Grid 官方网站

发表于 2013-10-29 21:21:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
关于 Open Science Grid(简称 OSG)的介绍,在 TWGrid 网站上有介绍,原帖链接如下:

Open Science Grid (OSG)
Open Science Grid(OSG)計畫是由美國能源部(Department of Energy)以及國家科學基金會(National Science Foundation)共同出資,利用分散式架構之高產出計算(high throughput computing, HTC)服務支援美國國內計算資源中心以及科學研究單位。OSG本身並不擁有計算資源,它只是提供軟體與服務給使用者以及計算資源中心,讓他們可以資源分享、適時使用。
OSG的計算資源主要建構在Linux叢集與乙太網路上,科學家可利用Globus工具服務或網格取得的大量的計算資源,以滿足他們對高產出計算的需求。在儲存資源方面,科學家透過Storage Resource Manager(SRM)協定即可輕鬆獲得Terabyte大小的儲存空間。
根據統計數據顯示,各類學術研究虛擬組織(Virtual Organization, VO)在本身沒有計算資源的情況下、受益於OSG的網格服務良多,其使用量約佔OSG總計算資源的三分之一。OSG仍在持續成長中,目前已支援分散在80個單位的30個虛擬組織。OSG成員利用其資源進行科學研究每天有超過1,000,000小時的CPU時數。
(資料來源:Open Science Grid)

= = = = = 待 翻 译 资 料 来 源 = = = = =
以下网站内容,可以有选择的挑选部分来做翻译,然后充实到我们的 Wiki 中去。
OSG 官方网站:http://www.opensciencegrid.org/
OSG 官方Wiki:https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view
OSG 英文Wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_Grid_Consortium
OSG 相关的PPT:http://wenku.it168.com/d_001056404.shtmlhttp://wenku.it168.com/d_000591837.shtml

请注意,OSG 官方网站和 OSG 官方 Wiki 有很多页面内容完全一样,翻译前建议先浏览已有翻译内容,避免重复翻译。

= = = = = 已 占 楼 翻 译 列 表 = = = = =
OSG 官方网站:
2#楼,OVERVIEW - Introduction,http://www.opensciencegrid.org/about/
3#楼,OVERVIEW - Organization,http://www.opensciencegrid.org/about/organization/
5#楼,OVERVIEW - Campus Researcher Club,http://www.opensciencegrid.org/about/campus-researcher-club/
6#楼,DOCUMENTATION - Links,http://www.opensciencegrid.org/documentation/
7#楼,Join Open Science Grid,http://www.opensciencegrid.org/join/

OSG 官方 Wiki:
4#楼,OSG Software: An Introduction,https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/DownloadOSGSoftware


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-1 22:18:22 | 显示全部楼层
占楼翻译 http://www.opensciencegrid.org/about/ 页面:OVERVIEW - Introduction

What we do
OSG 是做什么的

The OSG provides common service and support for resource providers and scientific institutions using a distributed fabric of high throughput computational services. The OSG does not own resources but provides software and services to users and resource providers alike to enable the opportunistic usage and sharing of resources. The OSG is jointly funded by the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.

OSG 利用分布式架构的的高吞吐量计算服务,来为商业机构和科研机构提供公共服务和支持。OSG 自身并不拥有计算资源,它只是提供软件和服务给用户,并让用户资源分享、适时使用。OSG 由美国能源部(Department of Energy)和美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)共同资助。

The Open Science Grid (OSG) supports science such as..

Open Science Grid (OSG) 支持的科研活动包括:

  • High Energy Physics: CMS and ATLAS
  • 高能物理:CMS 和 ATLAS
  • Nanoscience: NANOHUB
  • 纳米科学:NANOHUB
  • Structural Biology: SBGrid
  • 结构生物学:SBGrid
  • Community VO (multiple sciences): Engage
  • 虚拟组织社群(跨学科):Engage

What OSG is for

OSG 适合做什么

The OSG is primarily used as a high-throughput grid where scientific problems are solved by breaking them down into a very large number of individual jobs that can run independently. The most successful opportunistic applications run on the OSG share the following characteristics:

OSG 主要作为一种高吞吐量网格,将科学问题分解成大量的独立作业单元来处理解决。最适宜在 OSG 平台上运行的应用程序具有以下特点:

  • The application is a Linux application for the x86 or x86_64 architecture.
  • 该应用程序是建立在 x86 或 x86_64 架构上的 Linux 应用程序。
  • The application is single- or multi-threaded but does not require message passing.
  • 该应用程序是单线程或多线程的,且不需要消息传递。
  • The application has a small runtime between 1 and 24 hours.
  • 该应用程序处理单个任务的运行时间短,在1小时到24小时内。
  • The application can handle being unexpectedly killed and restarted.
  • 该应用程序在被意外结束时可以自动重启。
  • The application is built from software that does not require contact to licensing servers.
  • 该应用程序可基于软件自身运行,不需要依赖许可服务器。
  • The scientific problem can be described as a workflow consisting of jobs of such kind.
  • 该科学问题,可被描述、建模、分解为一系列相似的独立的作业单元处理流程。
  • The scientific problem requires running a very large number of small jobs rather than a few large jobs.
  • 该科学问题,可通过处理很多小作业单元来解决,而不是处理少数大作业单元来解决。

More about OSG

OSG 的更多信息

Please see  https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/ for more information regarding the OSG.

有关 OSG 的更多信息,请移步 https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/

Please see Documentation for more details regarding available documentation.



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-1 23:16:08 | 显示全部楼层
占楼翻译 http://www.opensciencegrid.org/about/organization/ 页面:OVERVIEW - Organization

The OSG Consortium builds and operates the OSG. Consortium members contribute effort and resources to the common infrastructure, with the goal of giving scientists from many fields access to shared resources worldwide.

OSG联盟(OSG Consortium)组建并运营 OSG 平台。联盟的成员为 OSG 的基础设施建设贡献各自的精力和资源,以实现不同领域的科学家能够从世界范围共享资源的目标。

Please see List of Virtual Organizations.


The Council governs the consortium ensuring that the OSG benefits the scientific mission of its stakeholders.

理事会管理财政,确保 OSG 相关的科研任务得以受益。

The Executive Team manages the OSG project, which is organized into technical team areas.

执行团队管理 OSG 项目,由不同领域的技术团队组成。

The OSG is made up of Member Organizations who register with the OSG Operations Center and works with many Partner Organizations.

OSG 由许多成员组织组成,这些组织在 OSG 运营中心(OSG Operations Center)注册,并为许多合作组织工作。

Virtual Organization


A Virtual Organization (VO) is a set of groups or individuals defined by some common cyber-infrastructure need. This can be a scientific experiment, a university campus or a distributed research effort. A VO represents all its members and their common needs in a grid environment. A VO also includes the group’s computing/storage resources and services. We typically use the terms site, computing element (CE), and/or storage element (SE) to refer to the resources owned and operated by a VO.

虚拟组织(Virtual Organization,简称 VO)是一个团队或者个体,他们有一些共同的信息化基础设施需求。这可以是一个科学实验、一所大学校园或者一项分布式的研究工作。VO 意味着所有的成员和他们共同的需求都在一个网格环境中。VO 还包括组织在计算、存储等方面的资源和服务。我们制订了资源使用机制,虚拟组织内部可以分享他们所拥有的或者所运营的计算单元(computing element,简称 CE)和存储单元(storage element,简称 SE)。

OSG brings together many VOs for contracted and/or opportunistic sharing of resources in a grid environment, allowing for more effective use of their collective resources. Use of resources at a site is determined by a combination of the site’s local policies and the user VO’s policies. VOs are responsible for contracting individually with each other for guaranteed access to resources.

OSG 实现了众多 VO 的联合,以契约形式或伺机形式在网格环境中实现资源共享,从而更有效的利用 VO 的集体资源。VO 之间共同协商出用户在网站上使用资源的机制。VO 之间彼此协商互为提供资源的使用。

Many VOs in the OSG address the specific requirements of their users with their own user support that provides more in-depth help than the OSG does (See here!). Additionally some VOs provide dedicated resources to the OSG that provide preferred access to their members. Some VOs provide a problem specific user interface to their members.

许多在 OSG 中的 VO 有自己的使用者支持机制,针对其使用者特殊的要求提供比 OSG 更深入的协助。另外,有些 VO 还提供专用的资源给 OSG,以利于该 VO 的成员优先使用。有些 VO 则是给他们的成员一个针对特定研究主题指定的用户界面。

The OSG assumes that each user is preferably supported by their membership VO. Each VO is expected to register with the OSG and provide support for their members. OSG support is maintained through a VO representative for each VO rather than a member of a VO.

OSG 假设 VO 会优先支持他们的每一个成员。每个 VO 都会向 OSG 注册并提供成员技术支持。OSG 支持是由每个 VO 的代表提供,并不是有 VO 的任何一个成员提供。

The OSG welcomes researchers that are not associated with a VO! They are welcome to join the OSG or Engage VO. The OSG VO is inviting all users who don’t need support running their application on the OSG. The Engage VO provides strong support for scientists who wish to bring their applications to the grid but who are unfamiliar with grid technologies.

OSG 欢迎目前暂不在任何一个 VO 中的研究人员!欢迎他们加入 OSG 或者 Engage VO。OSG 中的 VO 诚邀所有不需要技术支持的用户在 OSG 上运行他们的应用程序。Engage VO 为那些自身不熟悉网格技术却需要在网格上运行应用程序的科学家们提供强有力的技术支持。

If you don’t know what VO you belong to or should belong to, please contact the Grid Operations Center for help.

如果您不知道您所属哪个 VO,或应该归属于哪个 VO,请联系网格运营中心(Grid Operations Center)寻求帮助。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-1 23:35:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 超哥不郁闷 于 2013-11-9 00:22 编辑

言归正传,这个交给我了 https://twiki.opensciencegrid.or ... DownloadOSGSoftware

OSG Software: An Introduction   OSG软件相关介绍
Welcome to Open Science Grid! We’re glad to have you here.

Everyone wants to just quickly download the OSG software and get on with their lives. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple, and you’ll need to do some planning and configuration to make a good OSG site.

By the way, this guide is intended for system administrators who are running OSG services (a computing element, a storage element, a virtual organization, etc). While there is included information about installing and using OSG client software, the documentation does not cover general OSG user support issues.

There is a five step process to installing the OSG software:
  • Plan your site If you are doing anything larger than a small test site, you need to plan what you are doing before you install anything. This step is critical! 筹划您的站点 如果您正在做任何比小型测试站点更大的东西,那么您就需要在安装软件之前筹划您正在做的东西。这一步至关重要!                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Install the software you need There isn’t a single set of software. You’ll need to select the bits that are appropriate for your site. You are likely to be installing software on more than one computer. Starting in Release OSG3.x, our software uses RPMs. Documentation for the current release is in Release Documentation. 安装您所需要的软件 这不是单一的一套软件。您需要挑选那些对您站点合适的软件。您可能会在多台计算机上安装这些软件。开始运行Release OSG3.x,我们的软件使用的是RPMs。现在已经发布的资料都在Release Documentation里。
  • Configure the software As much as possible, we pre-configure the software, but we cannot do that completely because your site has individual characteristics under your control. Much of the configuration will be done by running a small program (configure-osg), and you might need to do some by hand. 设定软件 我们会尽可能多地对软件进行设置,但是我们不能对其进行彻底的设置,因为您的站点存在您所掌控的个人参数。大多数的设置工作将通过运行一个小型程序(configure-osg)来实现,您可能会需要进行一些手动操作。
  • Validate your installation Once you've installed everything, you should test your installation. We provide some tools for testing the installation as documented in the Installation document for each subsystem. 验证您的安装 一旦您安装好所有程序后,您应该对这些程序进行测试。我们在每一个子站点的安装文档里都提供了一些测试工具。
  • Have fun! You're ready to go! 尽情享受吧!您已经完成了准备工作!

There are many details in each of these steps. Please look through the rest of our documentation to understand the process.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-3 09:12:09 | 显示全部楼层
占楼翻译 http://www.opensciencegrid.org/about/campus-researcher-club/ 页面:OVERVIEW - Campus Researcher Club

Do you have science we can help with?


The Open Science Grid (OSG) advances science through open distributed computing. The OSG is a multi-disciplinary partnership to federate local, regional, community and national cyberinfrastructures to meet the needs of research and academic communities at all scales.

Open Science Grid(简称 OSG)致力于通过开放分布式计算来推进科学研究的发展。OSG 是由一些跨学科的地方性、区域性、社区性、国家性的合作机构组成的,以满足科研机构和学术团体在所有领域的需求。

Perhaps your science could benefit from Distributed High Throughput Computing (DHTC), but you don’t have access to those kinds of resources at your institution. If that’s the case, our Campus Researcher Club may help you demonstrate that, in fact, DHTC can help your science.

也许您的科学研究可以从分布式高吞吐量计算(Distributed High Throughput Computing,简称 DHTC)中获得帮助,但是在您的机构内,您无法访问这些类型的资源。如果是这样的话,我们校园研究员俱乐部(Campus Researcher Club)可以向您展示 DHTC 的能力,真的,DHTC 能推进您的科学研究。

How does the OSG’s Campus Researcher Club work?
OSG 的校园研究员俱乐部(Campus Researcher Club)如何运作?

We will match you up with one of our member institutions to sponsor your membership. They will work with you to assess if your science truly is a good fit for DHTC. If it is, we will then provide access to the sponsor’s local DHTC resources and potentially, additional remote resources of OSG members. We will help get your application running in the local environment and help you parallelize your analysis to run effectively on our distributed resources.

我们将安排一个成员机构给予您会员资格。他们将与您携手,以评估您的科学研究,是否适合在 DHTC 内运行。如果适合,我们将为您提供赞助单位本地的 DHTC 资源、潜在的和额外的远程资源访问。我们将帮助您在本地 DHTC 内运行您的应用程序,并帮助您有效分析在我们的分布式资源上的运行效果。

Who is eligible for the program?


Anyone associated with a US college, university or government lab.


How long may I use my sponsor’s resources?


Our program is not meant to be a long-term solution for your DHTC needs, but rather to provide a production-worthy proof of concept. Our ultimate goal is that you discover the benefits of DHTC and the positive impact it can have on your science. Then, we can help you establish a local DHTC capability at your institution for the long-term benefit of your science and that of other researchers at your institution.

我们的计划并不意味着能对您的 DHTC 需求提供长远的解决方案,而是提供一个值得产业化的概念证明。我们的最终目标是您能发现 DHTC 的好处,并对您的科学研究产生积极的推动。接下来,我们可以帮您在您的机构里建立一个本地的 DHTC 环境,这样,您的机构和机构内的其他研究人员,才能获得长远的解决方案并从中受益。

How much will this cost me?


There are no monetary costs. You will of course have to invest your time in working with us. We prefer to teach you to “fish” with DHTC resources, rather than “fish” for you, so you must be willing to devote the time needed to implement the best practices we teach you about running your application in a DHTC environment.

不需要金钱花销。当然,您需要投入您的时间来和我们合作。授人以鱼,不如授人以渔,我们更喜欢教授您如何有效利用、充分挖掘 DHTC 的资源,而不是简单地将资源提供给您,因此,您必须投入足够的时间,以便我们能够教会您在一个 DHTC 环境内更好的运作您的应用程序。

What kinds of applications can run in a DHTC environment?

哪些类型的应用程序可以在 DHTC 环境内运行?

The OSG is primarily used as a high-throughput grid where scientific problems are solved by breaking them down into a very large number of individual jobs that can run independently. The most successful opportunistic applications run on the OSG share the following characteristics:

OSG 主要作为一种高吞吐量网格,将科学问题分解成大量的独立作业单元来处理解决。最适宜在 OSG 平台上运行的应用程序具有以下特点:

The application is a Linux application for the x86 or x86_64 architecture.

该应用程序是建立在 x86 或 x86_64 架构上的 Linux 应用程序。
The application is single- or multi-threaded but does not require message passing.
The application has a small runtime between 1 and 24 hours.
The application can handle being unexpectedly killed, and restarted.
The application is build from software that does not need to contact licensing servers.
The scientific problem can be described as a workflow consisting of jobs of such kind.
The scientific problem requires running large numbers of small jobs rather than a few large jobs.

What types of applications don’t run well in a DHTC environment?

哪些类型的应用程序无法在 DHTC 环境内良好运行?

Some characteristics of applications that do not run well opportunistically on the OSG are:

无法在 OSG 平台上良好运行的应用程序具有以下特点:

The application requires message passing and a low-latency local network, e.g. applications that use MPI.

该应用程序需要消息传递和低时延的本地网络,例如使用 MPI 的应用程序。
The application requires a long runtime and cannot be checkpointed through signal TERM.
该应用程序需要运行很长的时间,并且在单个运行周期(signal TERM)内无法进行检查点(checkpointed)操作。
The application workflow cannot tolerate preemptions or individual jobs crashing at remote sites.
The application requires complex software and specific environments that cannot be easily met on resources.
The application requires write access to a code base pre-installed at sites and shared among the worker nodes.
The application requires administrator privileges for its operation.

How do I get started?


If you are from a qualifying institution and think DHTC can help advance your science, fill out our Campus Researcher Club Request. We’ll be in touch after reviewing your request.

如果您来自一个合格的机构,并且认为 DHTC 将有助于推进您的科学研究,请填写我们的 Campus Researcher Club Request 。我们将在审查您的请求后与您联系。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-3 11:06:28 | 显示全部楼层
占楼翻译 http://www.opensciencegrid.org/documentation/ 页面:DOCUMENTATION - Links

Most of our documentations are currently stored in TWiki; the OSG content management system.

我们大部分的文档目前存放在 Twiki 内,Twiki 是 OSG 的内容管理系统。

Please visit one of following links.


User Guide

For Open Science Grid end users submitting jobs on OSG resources

对于 OSG 终端用户在 OSG 资源上提交作业的使用手册

VO Administration Guide

For groups who wish to create a new Virtual Organization(VO) in the Open Science Grid

对于希望在 OSG 上创建一个新的 VO 的组织的管理手册

Installation Guide

For system administrators installing Open Science Grid software on their cyberinfrastructures

对于系统管理员在他们的 Cyberinfrastructures 上安装 OSG 软件的安装手册

Software Components

Documentations for specific software components used by Open Science Grid

对于在 OSG 上使用的特定的软件组件的说明文档

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-3 11:25:53 | 显示全部楼层
占楼翻译 http://www.opensciencegrid.org/join/ 页面:Join Open Science Grid

Please select from following options.

I’d like to become a member of Campus Researcher Club.
我想成为校园研究员俱乐部(Campus Researcher Club)的一名成员。

OSG’s goal is to enable researchers in the US by providing access to distributed high throughput computing (DHTC). If you think your research can benefit from DHTC, we want to hear from you and help you access such computing. Please fill out the Campus Researcher Club Request Form to introduce us to your work and computational plan; a member of the OSG community will contact you to determine the match and help you get connected.
OSG 的目标是为美国的研究人员提供从分布式高吞吐量计算(Distributed High Throughput Computing,简称 DHTC)。如果您觉得您的科学研究能从 DHTC 中获益,我们希望收到您的来信,以帮助您访问我们的计算资源。请填写 Campus Researcher Club Request Form,向我们介绍您的科研工作和计算计划,OSG 社区会安排成员与您联系,确认您的需求,帮助您获得资源。

I am a member of a research community, and I’d like to use / share computing resources with OSG.
我是某研究社区的一名成员,我希望使用或共享 OSG 的计算资源。

If you want to form a VO, want to connect your computing resources to the OSG production fabric, or just use the OSG “opportunistic” resources, we can provide technical recommendations and support on how best to benefit from the OSG; we will work with you to understand your needs and help develop a plan that enables you to do science on the OSG. Please email us at user-support@opensciencegrid.org to get started.
如果您想组建一个 VO,并希望将您的计算资源连接到 OSG 产业设施中,或者仅仅只是获得 OSG 的“机会”资源,我们可以提供技术建议,并为您如何更好的从 OSG 获益提供技术支持,我们将和您一起深入理解您的需求,并帮助您开发一个计划,以确保您可以在 OSG 上开展您的科学研究。请发邮件给我们 user-support@opensciencegrid.org 开始我们的合作。

I’d like to become a OSG user.
我希望成为 OSG 的一名用户。

You must belong to a Virtual Organization(VO) to run jobs on OSG. Please choose a VO from VO Listand follow a “Membership Services URL” to become a member. To access these URLs and become a member, you must already have a valid user certificate loaded in your browser as explained in Getting a User Certificate via Web interface document.
您必须隶属于一个在 OSG 上运行作业的 VO。请从 VO 列表中选择一个 VO,通过“Membership Services URL”链接注册成为一个会员。要想访问这些链接并成为一个会员,您的浏览器内必须安装一个有效的用户证书,详见 Getting a User Certificate via Web interface 文档。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-4 15:08:34 | 显示全部楼层
超哥不郁闷 发表于 2013-11-1 23:35
言归正传 ...

刚研究了 OSG 的成员地图,发现 CNIC 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心 也是 OSG 的成员,详见:

Currently, this site provides a cluster with 128 cores. The cluster consists of a head node and 16 blades. The configuration information of each blade are as follows: 8 cores Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5504 @ 2.00GHz (X86_64) 32GB Memory 147GB Disk dual 1Gb NIC Gigabit Ether Net Switch + a 8-core x86-64 head node
目前,该站点提供一个 128 核的集群。集群包括 1 个头节点和 16 个刀片服务器。每个刀片服务器的配置信息如下:8 核 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5504 @ 2.00GHz (X86_64) 、32G 内存、147G 硬盘、双工 1G 网卡、千兆以太网交换机 + 1 个 8 核 x86-64 头节点

CNIC-OSG-SE leverages Bestman-Gateway as the load balancing frontend for transfer servers. It works with many file transfer services, such as gsiftp, http, https, bbftp and ftp. Our site provides a 30TB storage. It has a SE head and 2 GSIFTP nodes. These nodes have the same configuration as follows: 16 cores Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5520 @ 2.27GHz (X86_64) 32GB Memory 147GB Disk dual 1Gb NIC Gigabit Ether Net Switch
CNIC-OSG-SE 利用 Bestman-Gateway 负载均衡作为前端传输服务,包括许多文件传输服务,例如 gsiftp、http、https、bbftp、ftp。该站点提供 30TB 存储空间,有 1 个 SE 头和 2 GSIFTP 节点。这些节点具有相同的配置:16 核 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5520 @ 2.27GHz (X86_64)、32G 内存、147G 硬盘、双工 1G 网卡、千兆以太网交换机

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-4 22:12:41 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
碧城仙 发表于 2013-11-4 15:08
刚研究了 OSG 的成员地图,发现 CNIC 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心 也是 OSG 的成员,详见:
http://myos ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-9 00:27:15 | 显示全部楼层
@gameboybf2142 我想这个能对我们未来的项目有所帮助,有空的话也欢迎前来翻译哦

使用道具 举报

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