[特大新闻]Find-a-Drug to close
The Find-a-Drug project has now processed more queries than the original 250 we envisaged. We have also targetted most of the recognised protein targets for the major project areas. Where we have been able to obtain experimental data to confirm biological activity, the predictions have exceeded our expectations. Our experience suggests that it will be difficult to find collaborators who will be interested in the results of targetting proteins whose biological function is unknown or of little therapeutic interest.We have concluded that there are insufficient worthwhile protein queries to continue the project into 2006 and have decided to close the project on 16 December 2005. We will continue to make some new queries available over the coming weeks but will not accept results after the close of the project.
We are obviously very grateful for the contributions of members and will continue to work with our collaborators.
FAD要关闭了,55555555555555555555555555 详见官方网站:http://www.find-a-drug.biz/news.html 各位接下来有什么打算? 大家有什么好的项目推荐一下吧,反正电脑闲着也是闲着...... 大家都改算 UD 项目吧,抗击癌症! 可惜了我们的国家排名,现在是第 22 名,还差一点就要到第 21 名了的..... 哎,刚加入进来。。。。
我准备去蛋白质折叠项目。。。 官方准备的数据不足,而参与者们的计算能力总量异乎寻常的大,所以官方的数据包供不应求.....
推荐大家转战 UD 或者 Folding@home !
没有数据就会关闭一个项目呀?会不会还有其他原因?为什么呀? 已经下载了UD客户端,准备上UD了