[BOINC] [数学算法类] Gerasim@Home
本帖最后由 qysnn 于 2022-7-3 21:18 编辑官方网站:https://gerasim.boinc.ru/
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[BOINC] [计算机科学类] Gerasim@home
本帖最后由 qysnn 于 2021-3-8 09:20 编辑官方网站:http://gerasim.boinc.ru/
The project uses Internet-connected computers to do research in discrete mathematics and logic control.
The current goal: testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control systems.
每个字我都认识 放一起了
好难懂 话不多说,看图
2017年12月4日 evatutin
2018年2月26日 evatutin
We have two new articles that are recently published in Open Engineering journal.Vatutin E.I. Comparison of Decisions Quality of Heuristic Methods with Limited Depth-First Search Techniques in the Graph Shortest Path Problem // Open Engineering. Vol. 7. Iss. 1. 2017. pp. 428–434. DOI: 10.1515/eng-2017-0041. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/eng.2017.7.issue-1/eng-2017-0041/eng-2017-0041.xml?format=INTVatutin E.I., Zaikin O.S., Kochemazov S.E., Valyaev S.Y. Using Volunteer Computing to Study Some Features of Diagonal Latin Squares // Open Engineering. Vol. 7. Iss. 1. 2017. pp. 453–460. DOI: 10.1515/eng-2017-0052. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/eng.2017.7.issue-1/eng-2017-0052/eng-2017-0052.xml?format=INTThey are includes some results of computing experiments aimed to investigate quality of heuristic decisions in the graph shortest path problem (first) and to find diagonal Latin squares with extremal number of transversals (second).
图最短路径问题中有限深度优先搜索方法决策质量的比较 // Open Engineering. Vol. 7. Iss. 1. 2017. pp. 428–434. DOI: 10.1515/eng-2017-0041. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/eng.2017.7.issue-1/eng-2017-0041/eng-2017-0041.xml?format=INT
使用志愿者计算来研究拉丁对角方块的一些特征 // Open Engineering. Vol. 7. Iss. 1. 2017. pp. 453–460. DOI: 10.1515/eng-2017-0052. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/eng.2017.7.issue-1/eng-2017-0052/eng-2017-0052.xml?format=INT
Our collective finished description of combinatorial structures from DLSs of orders 1-8: http://evatutin.narod.ru/evatutin_ls_all_structs_n1to8_eng.pdf
啊,这个我就在搞啊,大概半个月前开始跑的 2020年11月20日
新版本的计算程序已添加到该项目中。经过Alexander Albertian的优化后,它们的速度提高了25%。