zzfwind2007 发表于 2013-11-5 09:24:32

[BOINC] [生命科学类] FightMalaria@Home

2013.11.417:57:50 UTC
No new tasks for 24 hours

Sorry guys but the server is overloaded at the moment. We have stopped submitting new tasks while the daemons catch up. Also, we are going to start a new experiment tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we will be up and running by 5.


zhouxiaobo 发表于 2014-3-16 18:54:43

2014-03-14: FightMalaria@Home, We're still chipping away at the data...
Sorry for the delay in responding to your messages.
We have compiled all the data into a single database (no mean feat as it's now 118GB!) due to our limited resources this was spread over a number of HDs. The FM@H data is 95% complete. Kevin is in the process of pulling out the remaining failed dockings for re-docking on the BOINC server.
The new name of the server will be FiND@Home for FightNeglectedDiseases@Home. Over the summer we'll build a website front-end for the data, that will be searchable and interlink with other online resources (e.g. Uniprot/PDB/KEGG). This should make the data easily accessible for biologists interested in exploring the output data. We'll build it with future BOINC data from other genomes in mind (e.g. TB).
Many thanks for hanging in there for us...
ps: We would appreciate it if users do not bad-mouth other projects, as we do not want to have to act as social police. The reason we're NOT concentrating on these boards at the moment is because we're trying to concentrate on getting the data we have into a presentable format for publication. And to focus on validation studies.

[生命科学类] FightMalaria@Home
2014-03-14:我们已经将所有的数据编译进单个数据库中(绝非易事,这可有118GB!)。今年夏天,我们将建立一个前端数据网站,使得能够搜索其他在线资源(如 UNIPROT/PDB/KEGG),并未对输出结果感兴趣的生物学家们提供方便。

zhouxiaobo 发表于 2014-11-2 20:37:03

2014-10-26: FightMalaria@Home, We're still chipping away at the data...
2014-10-26: FightMalaria@Home,我们仍在处理那堆积如山的数据。。即:项目将会在明年一月重启。

That means: The work will be start at 01/2015. ;)

qysnn 发表于 2020-4-29 04:29:43


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