昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-6-14 06:27:22




2013-06-08: NumberFields@home, For users who have been away for a while...
It was brought to my attention that some returning users were unable to connect to the project, probably because they are still using the old url.
So if you haven't visited in over a month, you may be unaware that we upgraded the project servers and have a different url now. If you are having problems connecting, then try reattaching to the project.

zzfwind2007 发表于 2013-6-23 23:56:36


Only 25% left to go...
...on the final tier of the decic search over Q(i). Good job all!

昴宿星团人 发表于 2013-7-4 02:16:39


2013-06-30: NumberFields@home, New Project Description Page

A more complete project description page was added. There is a link from the main page (2nd paragraph of main text), included here for convenience:
Project Description

昴宿星团人 发表于 2013-7-8 16:26:11


2013-07-07: NumberFields@home, Subfield #12 complete
The bounded app has now completed subfield 12 of 49, and has started on the next subfield, the one with discriminant 124. Great job everyone!

昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-8-8 11:49:55

2013-08-02: 感谢各位在挑战赛中的努力!

2013-08-02: NumberFields@home, Thank you to all challenge participants!
This was a very successful challenge. A large chunk of the decic search was completed. In particular, the search over Q(i) was essentially finished, and inroads were made into the next 2 subfields. Thanks again for all your contributions!

昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-8-8 12:40:42

2013-08-07: 第一个
现在只剩下一点点任务包等待处理,我们基本已经可以宣布在第一阶段研究的胜利了。这是一个重大的成就!简单来说,这个研究已经确认了所有度为5的Q(i)的扩张(the Gaussian rationals)^&*&%&×%

2013-08-07: NumberFields@home, First decic search complete
With only a handful of WUs left to go, we are declaring victory on the first search. This is a major achievement! In a nutshell, this search has obtained all degree 5 extensions of Q(i) (the Gaussian rationals) which are ramified at 2 and/or 5. The final tabulated results will be posted within the next couple of weeks. Thank you!

fwjmath 发表于 2013-8-8 14:41:01

2013-08-07: 首个十次域搜索已完成

zhouxiaobo 发表于 2013-12-31 22:40:13

本帖最后由 zhouxiaobo 于 2013-12-31 22:41 编辑

2013-12-30: NumberFields@home, Subfield #17 complete
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, another subfield is about to be completed. We are now moving on to subfield 18, the one with discriminant 104. Thanks again to all our crunchers!


@fwjmath 数学的东西还请校验一下。

zhouxiaobo 发表于 2014-10-26 23:22:51

2014-10-25: NumberFields@home, Subfield 25 of 49 complete.

I just realized I forgot to officially report the completion of subfield 25; it finished about 2 weeks ago.
We are currently crunching on subfields 26 and 27. Note that we started subfield 26 first because the WU generator had those ready first and the bounded app was desperate for new work.
Thanks everyone!


昂宿星团人 发表于 2018-1-5 11:01:07

2018-01-05: NumberFields@home, Database crash

We had a database crash. We are working hard to get it fixed.

2018.01.05 数据库崩溃

昴宿星团人 发表于 2018-3-24 22:23:26

2018-03-24: NumberFields@home, New application coming soon

In the coming days we will be introducing a new number field application. This one will target degree 7 fields (called septics). The current best bound is 5E6, and this app will increase that to 200E6. This means it will find all degree 7 fields whose discriminant is bounded by 200E6.

Here is some additional information:
1. This search is expected to run for only 5 to 6 months (but could take longer).
2. It will run side-by-side with the current decic app.
3. It will only support the 64bit Windows and 64 bit Linux platforms.

» Original article
2018-03-24: NumberFields@home, 即将发布新版计算程序
2.该程序与现有的decic 计算程序同时发放
3.该计算程序将只支持64位Windows 系统与64位Linux 平台。

fwjmath 发表于 2018-3-25 03:51:57

昴宿星团人 发表于 2018-3-24 22:23
2018-03-24: NumberFields@home, New application coming soon

In the coming days we will b ...




昴宿星团人 发表于 2018-3-25 12:01:20

fwjmath 发表于 2018-3-25 03:51

新计算程序的探索目标是七次域,目前最好的上界是5e6,而这个程 ...


昂宿星团人 发表于 2019-3-13 23:38:47

2019-03-12: NumberFields@home, Septic Results Paper Accepted for Publication

I mentioned a while back that we submitted the results of the septic search for publication. I am now happy to report that the paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Number Theory.

I will continue to post additional details as they become available.

Thank you to all our volunteers for making this possible!

» 原文章

2019-03-12: NumberFields@home,发表了一篇基于根据计算成果撰写的论文

昂宿星团人 发表于 2019-3-24 08:46:54

2019-03-22: NumberFields@home, GPU app - beta version for linux nvidia

After all these years, we finally have our first GPU app. It's only a beta version for 64bit linux with Nvidia GPUs. Support for other platforms and GPUs will be coming soon.

If you'd like to help test this app, you will need to check the "run test applications" box on the project preferences page. I generated a special batch of work for this app from some older WUs that I have truth for. This will help to find any potential bugs that are still there.

A few potential issues:
1. This was built with the Cuda SDK version 10.1, so it uses a relatively new Nvidia driver version and only supports compute capability 3.0 and up. If this affects too many users out there, I will need to rebuild with on older SDK.
2. I was not able to build a fully static executable, but I did statically link the ones most likely to be a problem (i.e. pari, gmp, std c++)

Please report any problems. I am still relatively new to the whole GPU app process, so I am sure there will be issues of some kind.

Also, feel free to leave comments regarding what platform, GPU, etc I should concentrate on next. I was thinking I would attack linux OpenCL (i.e. ATI/AMD) next as that should be a quick port of what I did with Nvidia. I think the windows port will take much longer, since I normally use mingw to cross-compile but I don't think that's compatible with the nvidia compiler.

» 原文章

2019-03-22: NumberFields@home,发布了Linux系统下NVIDIA显卡的测试版计算程序
如果您愿意帮我们测试这个程序,请在项目设置中勾选“运行测试计算程序(run test applications)”。
1.该程序使用Cuda SDK版本10.1编写,所以会需要比较新的显卡驱动版本以及only supports compute capability 3.0 and up 。如果不能满足此条件的人过多,我会考虑用老版本的SDK重建程序。


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