WiZarD811 发表于 2011-4-1 16:04:30


本帖最后由 WiZarD811 于 2011-4-1 18:59 编辑

2011-04-01 Milkyway@Home (separation) 0.56 is now available for iOS 4 devices!For some reason they didn't allow this on the app store, so if you want to install it you have to jailbreak.How to install MilkyWay@Home on iOS:1. Jailbreak your device. There are many guides - Google for your device model and version of your software (Settings -> General -> About)2. Start Cydia after jailbreaking. Allow it to Upgrade Everything.3. Go to Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add and type in: http://phajas.xen.prgmr.com/repo4 . Search for "Milkyway" and install the "Milkyway" package. The description is "Model the galaxy!"5. Now, on your homescreen, you will find a Milkyway icon for MilkyWay@Home on your device. Tap it to get started.6. Tap the "Start" button to begin computing. The device checkpoints if you leave.7. Once done, send your results (via email)You're done!     求证实!求测试!

zyll 发表于 2011-4-1 18:35:56


Youth 发表于 2011-4-1 21:14:48


WiZarD811 发表于 2011-4-1 23:06:09

回复 3# Youth

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查看完整版本: 真的不是愚人节?Milkyway@Home爱疯死客户端发布
