FAD 1.24g正式发布!
http://www.find-a-drug.net/frame.html FAD 1.24版
WIN版下载地址: http://www.find-a-drug.org/fadv124g.exe
Linux版下载地址: http://www.find-a-drug.co.uk/fadv124g.tgz 以下转自官方网站上的客户端升级说明:
Find-a-Drug 1.24g 18-Aug-04
This version is now released and existing members should be upgraded to it automatically when they next download jobs. The upgrade takes about 2 minutes - please be patient. Members may also download the new version and install it in the same folder (in this case you must first exit all the software). Highlights of some of the changes are listed below and more detailed information can be found here.
v123g.upd and v123g.end (new) which are used as a version marker files.
think.new (Windows) and think.nu (Linux) is the new version of think which includes some enhancements to the algorithms plus a revision to the CPU rating calculation which should reduce rating fluctuations.
fadsetup.exe (Windows) and fadsetup (Linux). A number of small changes have been made including easier reconfiguration to on-line use from off-line use (which was intended for PCs without Internet connections).
server.new (Windows) and server.nu (Linux) is the new version of server with a number of small changes.
loader.exe (Windows) and loader.nu (Linux) is the new version of loader.
cgi.lis has been updated.
http.lis has been updated.
errors.msg is the new message file replacing errors.txt. The file is binary.