[BOINC] [天文类] SETI@home
August 10, 2004We have started the copy of the download directory to the Snap Appliance 18000.
我们已经开始把下载目录拷贝到Snap Appliance 18000。
August 8, 2004
The servers are back up as far as receiving results but not as far has distributing new workunits. We are simultaneously clearing out the old download directory and preparing to both it and the upload directory to the Snap Appliance, along with the DB. Allowing result uploads will ultimately speed both the deletion of old workunits and results and the granting of credit. Credit for the backlog of results will start being granted once we move to the Snap Appliance and turn on the hierarchical directory structure.
服务器正在把所有已接收数据备份,并不再发放新WU。我们正在清理旧下载目录,准备Snap Appliance,和DB数据库。允许结果上传会刺激WU和结果删除及credit评估。一旦我们转向Snap Appliance并打开分层目录结构,已备份结果的分数将会发放。
August 7, 2004
The scheduling server is down while we work on a download storage problem. This may take a day or so.
August 6, 2004
We developed hierarchical directory structure to get around the big directory problem (see August 4, below). This solution is backward compatible with all current work units. It is being tested in alpha now. Next week it will go to beta and then to public. We also have a tool to distribute all recent results into the new hierarchy. When that tool is run, credit will appear for all of these results. The credit appearance will be spread over a number of days. In other news, we have the SnapAppliance 18000 configured. It shows a 10x speed up over the software RAID we are now using. We are awaiting a UPS for it.
我们开发了分层目录结构以避免大文件夹问题(详见下面8月4日新闻)。这个解决方案使用于以后的所有数据。现在正在进行alpha测试。下星期我们会进行beta和公测。我们同样使用新设备把近期的结果送入新结构中。之后,会为这些结果发分。这要用几天时间。另外,SnapAppliance 18000已经配置好了。它的速度是我们现在用的软RAID的10倍。我们正在给它加装UPS。
August 5, 2004
A misconfigured scheduling server ran for about an hour this morning, misinforming users that they had to upgrade to version 4 of the BOINC software. This message was in error - please remain with version 3.
August 4, 2004
We discoverd that the sheer number of files in the upload directory was killing NFS performance for the file_upload_handler. We started with a new empty upload directory and the file_upload_handler performed much better. The rate of connection drops on the upload server dropped to zero (most of the time). Of course we need to get all those older results back into play somehow. We are preparing our new SnapAppliance 18000 to host the database. We need to fit it into the power load in our already fairly full data closet, configure the DB volume, run some tests, and then copy over the DB files. We will post the progress as we go.
我们发现上传目录下文件数目过多。这严重影响了上传的网络性能。我们新开了一个空的上传文件夹以提高性能。上传的掉线率迅速降至0(大部分时间是)。当然,我们还要赶快处理以前上传的结果。我们正在准备安装新的SnapAppliance 18000来管理数据库。我们要把它加电,装入数据阵列,设置DB容量,进行测试,复制相应的DB文件。在此过程中,我们会贴出相应的进度贴。
August 3, 2004
While the project is up and functioning normally, the database and web servers are overloaded. Because of this you may have noticed difficulty in transferring work and loading certain web pages. We're tuning these servers and trying to find the bottlenecks now.
August 2, 2004
The project remained down all weekend, but we are back up now. To add insult to injury, the entire lab lost network connectivity to the rest of the world for a few hours this morning. In light of the unexpected length of this last outage, we are looking into mechanisms that allow us to keep certain parts of the project up while others remain down for repair.
July 30, 2004
The project is *still* down. The database cleanup for the bug found on July 28 is going much slower than expected. We hope to have everything back up later today or early tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!
翻译by VMZY!
[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-6-17 at 11:11 ] 阅 我昏。。。。。
原来和 Predictor 一样的问题啊。。。。
[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-2-14 at 16:06 ] 好象已经连续1个星期都没有运行WU了。
[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-2-14 at 16:06 ] 刚刚终于收到WU了
[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-2-14 at 16:06 ] 最新版SETI@BOINC内核程序(不是BOINC),可能会导致WIN 9X系统崩溃。
官方建议9X系统用户暂时停止SETI项目,参加其它项目! January 16, 2005
We are having network problems. Until we track it down servers may be slow and some services will not be running.
翻译 BY VMZY March 17, 2005
In preparation for shutting down SETI@home Classic(in about 1 month, hopefully)
we're trying to make sure that SETI@home Classic accounts
are linked to the proper SETI@home/BOINC account.
This is a bit complicated because of email address changes.
See our current transition plan.
March 17, 2005
We have cleaned up our account database,
merging accounts with conflicting email addresses.
This may cause some users to get 'Invalid or missing account key'
messages. This is easy to fix;
instructions are here.
我们已经清除了我们的账户数据库,把电子邮箱地址有冲突的账户合并了。这可能导致一些用户得到'Invalid or missing account key'消息。
March 18, 2005
March 18, 2005The project will be down for 4 hours this coming Tuesday, March 22, starting at 14:00 UTC. Our building will be without power as campus tries to find the reason for the power losses we experienced a couple of weeks ago.
[ Last edited by Youth on 2005-8-16 at 23:18 ] March 19, 2005
Our Internet link through Cogent went down at around midnight UTC. It is being looked at with an unknown time to fix.
[ Last edited by Youth on 2005-8-16 at 23:19 ] March 21, 2005
Our Internet link through Cogent went down at around midnight UTC on March 18/19. It is still being looked at by Cogent. In the meantime, data service (upload/download) is unavailable. We do not yet have a projected time to fix - it could be a couple of days. As always, we encourage participation in other BOINC projects. More info and updates in Technical News
[ Last edited by Youth on 2005-8-16 at 23:19 ] March 22, 2005
We're now fully back on-line. More information about recent outages can be found in Technical News.
我们已经完全恢复正常。更多关于近期当机的信息可以在Technical News找到。 March 23, 2005 SETI@home Classic participants: you can now activate your SETI@home/BOINC account (with your Classic work totals) even if the email address of your Classic account is no longer valid.
SETI@home Classic用户:你现在能激活你的SETI@home/BOINC账户(有你的Classic工作总数),即使你的Classic 账户的电子邮箱地址已经失效。
March 27, 2005
We will be having an outage tomorrow at 18:00 UTC in order to upgrade the OS on the storage device that holds the upload/download area.明天18:00(UTC时间,北京时间加八个小时)升级存储设备(保存上传下载数据的地方)的操作系统,暂停服务。
[ Last edited by Youth on 2005-8-16 at 23:19 ] March 29, 2005
Now you can print a SETI@home Certificate of Computation that shows your Classic work, BOINC work, or both. While you're at it, support SETI@home and buy an Official SETI@home Certificate Frame.