[BOINC] [数学,算法类] Enigma@Home
密码类项目:Enigma@Home原项目地址: http://enigma.no-ip.net:443/enigma/
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About Enigma@Home
Enigma@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and Stefan Krah's M4 Project. 'The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.' You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
Hardware requirements
* Pentium or better CPU
* 32MB RAM
* 20MB free HD space
硬件方面需要奔腾或者更好的CPU,32MB的内存,还有20MB的硬盘空间。 August 24, 2007 Hello World
Hello World
September 9, 2007 Alpha test started
At this time, only Windows platform is supported. Linux client coming soon. Server looks stable, but please keep in mind, that it's alpha test and anything can happen. Expect a lot of errors and crashes ;) Check this link for a list of known problems.
[ 本帖最后由 cnchina 于 2007-9-13 19:45 编辑 ] 谢谢楼主通报~~~已建Team China~~~ 收屏保~收屏保 (≧ω≦)丿 MS是木有屏保的~~~ 项目网址已经变成(不需要代理就可以访问):
Team China:
http://www.enigmaathome.net/team_display.php?teamid=54 郁闷的发现,文件下载的网址还是原来那个,不用代理还是不行。。。 这个项目现在有官方的优化~~~网址如下~~~有详细的下载和使用说明~~~
我没有比较优化的效率~~~因为我一开头就用优化的来算的了~~~ 旧闻几则
September 18, 2007 Experimental linux app LINUX程序试验
Few days ago I put experimental linux app online. It should work on most modern linux distributions. It uses enigma executable compiled with -march=pentium3, (gcc 3.2), so it may not work on older CPUs, I haven't checked that yet. If you want to try it out, please remember, that you have to chmod +x enigma_0.76_i686-pc-linux-gnu manually (it's inside project's dir) after you attach to project. For some reason, BOINC does not do that automatically. EDIT: I think it's fixed now.
October 1, 2007 Server maintenance 服务器维护
Today at 6:30pm GMT I'll shutdown the server to do a full backup and database cleanup. The server will be offline for about 2-3 hours, during first 30 minutes website may be offline.
October 14, 2007 URL Change 网址改变
The project has changed its url to http://www.enigmaathome.net.
While the old url will still work, it is suggested (although by no means required) that you detach the project and reattach to http://www.enigmaathome.net, you might also have to log in again on the project's page.
Should you experience any problems, please contact us at forum .
(7楼已说过了,不再重复) 当年我们还对官方网站进行过翻译呢,主要内容都翻译过:http://www.equn.com/m4/ 嘻。。勤快人(們)
2007-10-28 10:54:43|Enigma@Home| Started download of file wrapper_5.17_windows_intelx86.exe
2007-10-28 10:54:43|Enigma@Home| Started download of file ciphertext2
2007-10-28 10:54:53|Enigma@Home| Temporarily failed download of wrapper_5.17_windows_intelx86.exe: system connect
2007-10-28 10:54:53|Enigma@Home|Backing off 10 min 3 sec on download of file wrapper_5.17_windows_intelx86.exe
2007-10-28 10:54:53|Enigma@Home| Temporarily failed download of ciphertext2: system connect
2007-10-28 10:54:53|Enigma@Home|Backing off 3 hr 59 min 7 sec on download of file ciphertext2
似乎服务器端没有问题~~~检查一下客户端的设置?~~~ 我再仔細看了看前幾個小時的消息頁。。才發現
2007-10-28 15:09:53|Enigma@Home|You used the wrong URL for this project
2007-10-28 15:09:53|Enigma@Home|The correct URL is http://www.enigmaathome.net/
2007-10-28 15:09:53|Enigma@Home|Using the wrong URL can cause problems in some cases.
2007-10-28 15:09:53|Enigma@Home|When convenient, detach this project, then reattach to http://www.enigmaathome.net/
2007-10-28 15:09:53|Enigma@Home|Deferring communication for 6 min 3 sec
2007-10-28 15:09:53|Enigma@Home|Reason: requested by project
July 20, 2008
After a long break the project is up, with a lot of workunits to crunch. Please read these forum posts to see what's planned/changed: 501 505 504项目恢复运行,任务包大量供应,详情见项目论坛中的相关帖子。