[人工协作类] Firefly Watch - 萤火虫观察
消息来源:http://distributedcomputing.info/updates.htmlNew Distributed Human project: Firefly Watch is studying the effects of environmental factors on fireflies in North America.
一个新的人工协作类项目:Firefly Watch 正在研究北美环境因素对萤火虫的影响。
Help Firefly Watch determine whether fireflies are disappearing from North America. The Boston Museum of Science and researchers from Tufts University and Fitchburg State College are analyzing the observations of citizen scientists in North America to learn more about the "geographic distribution of fireflies and their activity during the summer season" and to studyenvironmental factors affecting firefly habitats, such as human-made light and pesticides in lawns. Learn more about the project.
Watch the project's progress on its online map.
To participate in the project you do not need to have any specific scientific training. Learn more about getting involved. Join the project's discussion forum.
帮助 Firefly Watch 来确定北美地区的萤火虫是否正在消失。波士顿 Museum of Science(科学博物馆)和来自 Tufts University(塔夫茨大学)、Fitchburg State College(菲奇堡州立学院)的研究人员正在借助公众的力量,来了解“萤火虫的地理分布和萤火虫在夏季的活跃度”,并研究诸如人造光、草坪上的农药等等环境因素对萤火虫栖息地的影响。点击这里了解关于该项目的更多信息。
参与该项目不需要有任何具体的科学训练。点击这里了解更多关于如何参与的细节。欢迎加入该项目的论坛。 Citizen Science 不知道该如何翻译才最贴切,欢迎各位到翻译区讨论。 本帖最后由 qysnn 于 2023-10-27 17:58 编辑
Firefly Watch项目目前由Mass Audubon依旧持续运行中,官方网站地址:https://www.massaudubon.org/programs-events/community-science/firefly-watch