BiscuiT 发表于 2010-1-19 08:03:03

[BOINC] [数学类] WEP-M+2 Project

本帖最后由 qysnn 于 2020-1-11 16:44 编辑

2010 年 1 月 19 日

已经发放了第 5,000,000 个任务!这是项目运行至今的一个里程碑


ledled 发表于 2010-1-19 09:29:29


merlinl 发表于 2010-9-19 20:19:53

merlinl 发表于 2011-4-29 11:55:59

merlinl 发表于 2011-5-21 15:08:36

昂宿星团人 发表于 2016-11-16 07:08:17

2016-11-15: WEP-M+2 Project, 100,000 factor (instances) found!

On the plus side, I never thought we'd get so far, so fast.
Thanks very much to all the users (and the devs!) for enabling this.
On the minus side, I was expecting to find a bigger factor by now.
However, if we find one among the next 100,000, it will still be a pretty good vindication of the WEP algorithm, so please keep crunching!

昂宿星团人 发表于 2017-11-13 20:21:43


P2203:70000000 wu's (of 10000 trials each equiv.) processed!
Thanks to all the users. Please keep crunching! 27 Jun 2017, 6:55:36 UTC


qysnn 发表于 2020-1-11 16:45:08

P2203:130000000 wu's (of 10000 trials each equiv.) processed!
Thanks to all the users. Please keep crunching!30 Dec 2019, 7:51:51 UTC

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