45th and 46th Known Mersenne Primes Found!!!!GIMPS set to claim $100,000 EFF award!
On August 23rd, a UCLA computer discovered the 45th known Mersenne prime, 2^43,112,609-1, a mammoth 12,978,189 digit number ! The prime number qualifies for the Electronic Frontier Foundation's $100,000 award for discovery of the first 10 million digit prime number. Congratulations to Edson Smith, who was responsible for installing and maintaining the GIMPS software on the UCLA Mathematics Department's computers.
On September 6th, the 46th known Mersenne prime, 2^37,156,667-1, a 11,185,272 digit number was found by Hans-Michael Elvenich in Langenfeld near Cologne, Germany! This was the first Mersenne prime to be discovered out of order since Colquitt and Welsh discovered 2110,503-1 in 1988.
The nearly decade long quest for the EFF award came down to a close race to the finish - with just two weeks separating the discovery of the two primes.
As promised, GIMPS will give $50,000 of the EFF award to the UCLA Mathematics Department for discovering the first 10 million digit prime. $25,000 will go to charity, and most of the remainder will go to discoverers of the previous six Mersenne primes.
In recognition of the individual discoverers, the GIMPS project leaders, and every GIMPS participant's contributions, credit for the two primes goes to "Edson Smith, George Woltman, Scott Kurowski, et al", and "Hans-Michael Elvenich, George Woltman, Scott Kurowski, et al".
Edson Smith has worked in the IT industry for 27 years and the last 10 years as the Computing Manager for the UCLA Mathematics Department. Last Fall he replaced the Lab's screen savers with prime95 - a perfect fit for the Mathematics Department. UCLA has a rich history in the discovery of Mersenne primes. Dr. Raphael Robinson found five Mersenne primes at UCLA in 1952 and Alex Hurwitz found two more in 1961.
Hans-Michael Elvenich is a 44 year old Electrical Engineer working for Aliseca, a chemical company. He is a prime number enthusuast and is the owner and operator of www.primzahlen.de. In German, prime numbers are called "primzahlen".
Both primes were first verified by Tom Duell (Burlington, MA, USA) and Rob Giltrap (Wellington, New Zealand), both of Sun Microsystems, using the Mlucas program by Ernst Mayer of Cupertino California USA. The verifications ran on 8 dual-core SPARC64 VI 2.15Ghz CPUs of a Sun SPARC Enterprise M5000 Server and 4 quad-core SPARC64 VII 2.52GHz CPUs of a Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 Server in Menlo Park, CA, USA. The first prime verification took 13 days, the second prime took 5 days.
Both primes were also independently verified by Tony Reix of Bull S.A. in Grenoble, France using 16 1.6 GHz Itanium2 CPUs of a Bull NovaScale 6160 HPC server and the Glucas program. Jeff Gilchrist of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada has also verified one prime and is nearly finished with verifying the other using up to 16 1.6 GHz Itanium2 CPUs of a server at SHARCNET, running the Glucas program by Guillermo Ballester Valor of Granada, Spain.
Perfectly Scientific, Dr. Crandall's company which developed the FFT algorithm used by GIMPS, will make posters you can order containing all 12.9 and 11.1 million digits. You'll need a good magnifying glass to read the tiny, tiny print!
You can read a little more in the short press release.
GIMPS 宣布获得EFF十万美元奖金!
在8月23日,加州大学洛杉矶分校的电脑发现第四十五已知梅森素数, 2^43,112,609-1 ,一个庞大的12,978,189 位数字!这个素数获得资格,由EFF的十万美元奖金发现第一个千万位数的素数。祝贺埃德森史密斯,负责安装和维护该GIMPS软件在加州大学洛杉矶分校数学系的计算机。
在9月6日,第46个梅森素数, 2^37,156,667-1 , 11,185,272 位数,由Hans-Michael Elvenich发现,在Langenfeld,德国科隆附近!这是自 Colquitt 和Welsh在1988年发现2^110,503-1以来首次梅森素数不按顺序被发现。
作为承诺, GIMPS将给予五万美元的EFF奖金向加州大学洛杉矶分校数学系发现首个千万位素数。二万五千美元会给慈善机构,而其余的大部分将发给前6个梅森素数的发现者。
为酬谢独立发现者、GIMPS项目领导人,和每一个GIMPS参与者的贡献,两个素数认证为“Edson Smith, George Woltman, Scott Kurowski, 等人” ,和 “Hans-Michael Elvenich, George Woltman, Scott Kurowski ,等人“ 。
Edson Smith已在IT产业工作了27年,近10年来作为加州大学洛杉矶分校数学系的计算机管理人员。去年秋天,他取代了实验室的屏幕保护程序,用prime95——完美适合于数学系。加州大学洛杉矶分校在发现梅森素数上有深厚的历史。Raphael Robinson博士在1952年发现了5个梅森素数,Alex Hurwitz,在1961年又发现了两个。
Hans-Michael Elvenich是一名44岁的电气工程师,工作在Aliseca ,一家化学公司。他是一个素数热心者,并且是www.primzahlen.de的所有者和经营者。在德国,素数被称为“ primzahlen ” 。
这两个素数的独立核查由Tom Duell (伯灵顿, MA ,美国)和Rob Giltrap (新西兰惠灵顿) ,两者都为Sun Microsystems ,由在美国加州Cupertino的Ernst Mayer使用Mlucas程序。核查运行在8个双核心的SPARC64 VI 2.15Ghz CPU的一台Sun SPARC M5000 服务器和4个四核心的SPARC64 VII 2.52GHz CPU的一台Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 服务器在门罗帕克, CA ,美国。第一个素数核查花费了13天,第二个素数花费了5天。
这两个素数也被独立核查于Tony Reix , Bull S.A.在法国的格勒诺布尔,采用16个1.6 GHz的Itanium2 CPU的一台Bull NovaScale 6160 HPC高性能服务器和Glucas 程序。Jeff Gilchrist,卡尔顿大学在渥太华,加拿大也验证了一个素数并且另一个素数也接近完成验证,使用多达16个 1.6 GHz的Itanium2 CPU的一台SHARCNET服务器,运行Glucas 程序由Guillermo Ballester Valor,在Granada,西班牙。
[ 本帖最后由 liqi 于 2008-9-16 21:02 编辑 ] 恩,刚刚上GIMPS主页看到了,很激动。
话说,那个页面的中文版怎么那么过时……不过我看法语版也一直没有更新。。 只能感叹运气太好了啊~~~ 这也太快了 弄得人没信心 下一个岂不是等得时间要很漫长。。。。。 130兆位的数字,并不是很大。现在硬盘都能够达到T了。只不过,两数距离太远了。5,955,942
理论上来讲,目前一个数的验证时间是 ln N单位用时。一台PC机,这么大一个数,G级主频CPU,也就是以分钟到小时的单位用时就能处理一个数了。
[ 本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2008-9-17 16:17 编辑 ]
回复 #5 bardo 的帖子
现在验证梅森质数的方法基本上已经很完善了,与普通的验证方法不同,使用的是只适合于梅森质数的Lucas-Lehmer测试。相信这会比你的方法要快得多。 2^37,156,667-1 这个没有奖金? 怎么算的 超过32位机器精度啦
回复 #7 Youth 的帖子
似乎是没有的~~~就差一步啊~~~回复 #8 jocover 的帖子
可以参看这个:http://www.equn.com/gimps/math.htm 原帖由 fwjmath 于 2008-9-17 16:21 发表 http://www.equn.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
参与这个项目的话不一定要用他们的程序,但你必须提供你的程序的源代码和数学证明,而且你的结果将会由另一台机器用另一种算法进行验证。如果你出错 ...
[ 本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2008-9-27 10:14 编辑 ] 另外,我还想问,Lucas-Lehmer一个素数要测试多少个因数?
[ 本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2008-9-27 10:25 编辑 ]
回复 #12 bardo 的帖子
注意!Lucas-Lehmer测试从来就不是一个寻找因数的测试,它不能给出梅森数的某一个因数,但可以在总体上知道它是否质数,所以一般来说比任何一种分解因数的算法都要快。 谢谢
[ 本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2008-9-28 00:10 编辑 ] 请问,现在最快的超大整数运算的C++类库是哪一个?
[ 本帖最后由 fwjmath 于 2008-9-28 14:06 编辑 ]