项目主旨: Help the Cuboids project determine the probability with which various cuboids (six-sided dice with parallel faces but non-equal edge lengths) will land on each of their surfaces. This simple problem is a 'truncated chaotic' phenomenon, and doesn't fit neatly into ordinary areas of physics. The results of this project will have "several important practical applications, from manufacturing (i.e. objects falling on conveyer belts) through to packing of granular material and proteins."
The project will simulate one billion cuboid tosses, in an effort to answer the following questions:
How do probabilities scale with edge ratios?
How do probabilities depend on elasticity and friction?
How do final states depend on initial conditions?
主持机构:University of Oxford
Beautiful questions are simple to ask yet hard to answer:
You roll a six-sided die with parallel faces but non-equal edge lengths. What is the probability to land on each surface ?
最美妙的问题是那些看起来极其简单却让人难以做答的问题:你扔出去一个色子,六个面在“人权”上是同等地位的,可为什么老天却总要眷顾某个面,而让她有更多的机会面朝蓝天高高在上? 模拟不等边的色子扔出去以后哪个面朝上的机率比较大~~~
这个项目真是~~~比较有趣~~~ 刚刚建了个小组:Cuboids@China 怎么好像不见效~~~国家也显示不了~~~ 这个问题好像应用于军事的可能性要大。这是数学上的大数定理的问题。好像很深。 色子跟军事有什么关系么~~~ 贴个界面图让大家欣赏欣赏~~~ 对赌博出老千似乎很有帮助(色子中间高点不均匀空心作弊不错) 汗……丢个色子……怎么会有那么多的数学运算呢……一大堆没有见过的符号…… 应该都是座标,矢量之类的符号。。。 这个项目短时间内看不到对人类有什么贡献啊 我明白了,因为这样所以说是娱乐性的?? Announcements
Congratulations: The important ONE BILLION threshold is passed! The current simulations include simple 2D-studies, which may run much faster than average.
//但是为什么我不觉得有什么速度的提高呢~~~ Announcements
Please download the new version 3.9.
有新版本了~~~是 3.9 ~~~ 今天试验了一下~~~新版本的速度真是快得出奇~~~大家快去算啊~~~因为这次真的是二维研究了~~~
[ Last edited by fwjmath on 2006-10-21 at 20:12 ]