项目主页:http://boinc.banaan.org/hashclash/Project HashClash
Using techniques from the attack from Wang et al., we are trying to find collisions which are more flexible. More concretely, we will allow the first blocks of two messages to be chosen at will. This attack is in ongoing research, however it is already clear that it requires large scale computational power. Therefore project HashClash was started. Currently you can join HashClash to help us in the first phase of this research, called 'MD5 Birthdaying'. It consists of finding a block with very specific properties, that will help us in later phases. Finding that block on a single Pentium4 3Ghz would take approx. 800 days of 24/7 continous running. We hope by combining the computational powers of many pc's to find this block much faster.
This project is intended as cryptographic research only. We intend to clarify the nature of the vulnerabilities in applications of MD5 that have been opened up by the collision finding methods of Wang et al. At a later stage we also intend to work on collision-finding for SHA-1.
大致意思是在 王小云 等人工作基础上,研究 MD5 算法的碰撞情况。
[ Last edited by Youth on 2006-7-28 at 13:05 ] 项目详细介绍请看这里:http://boinc.banaan.org/hashclash/hashclash.php
赶紧啊~~~我已经注册了,第 227 位参与者。
Youth 版主,建小组的艰巨任务,赶紧啊~~~ 注册了,看看去。 呀,没建小队啊,我第一个建啊。大家都加入!
HashClash@China 第一次建小队。 =_=
http://boinc.banaan.org/hashclash/team_display.php?teamid=57 下面是来自官方论坛项目负责人 Marc 关于开放注册做的一点说明:
I don't know exactly whether our server can handle all that. It is currently a PentiumIII 500Mhz running Debian 3.1 with a 100mbit internet connection.
Maybe it is better to keep it quiet a bit longer.
The current stage of the project is almost finished and it might be some time before we can start the next stage. And we don't want people to get disappointed about HashClash if they just joined and couldn't get any work anymore. Furthermore we could use the time in between to make sure our server can hold the stress.
大概意思是说:我们不知道我们的服务器是否能支持得住,我们的服务器比较破,PentiumIII 500Mhz,运行 Debian 3.1 系统,100mbit 互联网连接。因此,项目可能会经常无法获得任务包。另外,项目会分成几个阶段来进行。 呀,我是 227 号,Equn 是 228 号,我们在一起哦:http://boinc.banaan.org/hashclash/show_user.php?userid=227 呵呵,真是晕啊,我刚才贴文章的时候还不能注册呢:)
引用 碧城仙 在 2006-3-16 08:53 PM 时的帖子:
赶紧啊~~~我已经注册了,第 22 ... 我是232,已加入HashClash@China:) 这个项目的任务包太好算了,每 6~7 分钟就能完成一个包。
这个项目划分到数学类恐怕不妥,建议改为密码类项目。 收到! 现在的新项目真是越来越多咯~^_^ 嗯,开放的BOINC平台催生了不少分布式计算项目:) 加了,感觉不错~~~
跟EON差不多~~~ 注册了~
得到一个漂亮的ID=288~~ 楼上的朋友是旅居马来西亚的华人吗?欢迎欢迎!