[ Last edited by song on 2005-12-16 at 17:20 ] 争取FENG:250 IGNITION:1886/1888
这两天7*24 对了,忘记说了,对于这里大多数使用cmd+SetiHide的朋友来说,需要把SetiHide设置为offline状态,把每个算完的WU手动启动上传进程。如果设为online/auto状态,将不能启动排在后面的上传进程。 把AAA的上传一点,现在是: 今天上传了2个。 这个帐号还有2W左右,不上传了,没什么意义了。
现在上传几十个以后: 算到2400就结束。郁闷。 那我算到1200就结束了。 我准备彻底结束计算了! 欲哭无泪! 手动传也传不了啊,总是出错 On December 15, 2005, after 6 years of operation, Classic SETI@home sent out its last workunit. The Classic server will be accepting results for another week. The current SETI@home project is up and running. Please join us! The new software uses the BOINC distributed computing platform, which enables your computer to work on other scientific endeavors like SETI@home if you wish. We could all use your CPU cycles! It's easy to switch over - just follow the instructions on the new SETI@home web site. We hope to see everyone there!
After the last result is received, the stats for this project will be frozen but will continue to be available on the web. It may take several weeks to clean everything up and syncronize the classic stats with the current SETI@home project.
Thanks to all original SETI@home participants for their tremendous dedication to the project. You made SETI@home into something of lasting significance.
官方说法是还有一星期可以上传 发现现在仍然可以重复计数,也就是可以多次启动上传进程达到作弊虚假的成绩,berkeley去死吧!晚节都不保了。 引用 doshill 在 2005-12-17 11:47 AM 时的帖子:
现在上传以后实际上只是完成计数而已,看一下个人统计页面的完成数量就知道了。 现在的情况,难以控制了