BiscuiT 发表于 2009-12-29 09:23:02

Cooperación global(全球性合作,西班牙语机翻至英语)


BiscuiT 发表于 2009-12-29 09:23:53


ledled 发表于 2009-12-29 09:25:25


arthur200000 发表于 2013-7-17 07:20:15

本帖最后由 arthur200000 于 2013-9-7 15:20 编辑

Global Cooperation 全球合作
Distributed computing projects allow you to put your idle time causes PC to serve as a cure for cancer or climate prediction.分布式计算项目使您能将您的个人电脑的空闲时间用于癌症治疗或气候预测

Most of the time it is on, our computer is doing nothing, waiting. Or solving minor tasks that require only a fraction of its capacity. Even when doing any activity for any user is moderately important (browsing, sending e-mail, listening to music), most of the equipment is not demanding full to capacity calculation. As the engine of a car, the electronic brains have offering performance peaks. In the car could, for example, to make a bypass. On the PC, to make applications to load as fast as possible, and that some tasks (like video editing) are made in a comparatively short time. Also, of course, the processors are ready for more long-term tasks (such as running a video game, for example).

But most of the time the PC is in second or third gear, especially if it's a fairly modern computer. Just look at the Performance tab of the Windows Task Manager (activated with the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc) to see the recent history of the use of computer resources.
不过在大部分时间里电脑都是在其第二或第三的性能等级(本来想表达类似于P0,P1之类的Performance Level,不过总觉得很别扭),特别是一台现代的计算机。只要看看Windows任务管理器的“性能”选项卡(用Ctrl+Shift+esc打开,更熟悉的方法是Ctrl+Alt+Del),你就可以看到近期的性能使用情况了。(很少,不是吗?)

For over ten years, however, it is possible to exploit this idle capacity to help science, using a technique known as distributed computing. The concept itself is as old as the Internet: to provide remote users the ability to access a supercomputer and use that percentage available, however small. With the spread of the PC in the home, however, there was a second choice: distribute small tasks between computers of volunteers to do the calculation while the computer is not in use and return it to a central server, which together and digests all results, leaves the resolution of new problems, and so on. If it were just a couple of computers have less gain, but if they were donating thousands of computers of his time to science?

This is about distributed computing or, as he calls one of his most important influences, "volunteer computing". Who says this to the NATION is David Anderson, a researcher at the University of Berkeley that commands the distributed computing project most famous: SETI @ Home, which allows anyone with a fairly modern PC and an internet connectionwork with the search of aliens in their spare time.
这就是分布式计算,或者,按照他对于其最主要的影响的命名,“志愿计算”。这么对国家说的人是David Anderson,加州大学伯克利分校的一名研究者,也是最著名的分布式计算项目——SETI@home的领导者。这个项目允许所有拥有一台电脑(或者Android设备)以及网络连接的人在空闲时间中加入外星人的搜索行列。

The project ( takes the information gathered by radio telescopes and analyzes it, looking for patterns that can be identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence.

It's a lot of information, and need a supercomputer to analyze. What did the project is to have 180,000 active members, who donate a portion of time that the user has turned on his PC, but in the amount of resources becomes a distributed supercomputer worldwide.

Just downloaded an app (free, is for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux), install it on your PC, and when the screen saver team, the application starts the task, which stops when the user returns to operate the equipment. You can also set a schedule that will activate, or leave the program running all the time, but with low priority. That is, whenever the user's tasks will be first, to avoid impact on the performance of our programs.只要下载一个程序( ,免费,为Windows, Mac OS X and Linux设计,可运行于其他类UNIX环境【参:FreeBSD运行BOINC)并安装,当屏保启用时,程序开始运行,当用户操作时自动停止。(默认设置,一直开着CPU电脑其实也不卡~)

SETI @ home is not the only project. "In total there are about 50, which represent nearly half a million active users with a million computers," explains Anderson. All application use BOINC (which created Anderson233333Google你二了) to coordinate the resolution of tasks. In fact, when you install the program, you can choose more than one project, so if our computer finished the task by the central server, you can go to work with another project while waiting for further instructions.
SETI @ home并不是唯一的项目。“总共大约有50个项目(现在有几个请BS),代表着拥有百万计算机的近50万用户(现在是2,615,389用户,236,013 (9.02%)活跃,10,030,474机器,910,748 (9.08%)活跃)所有的这些程序都使用Anderson创建的BOINC来安排任务的解决。实际上,当你安装这个程序后,你可以选择不止一个项目,所以当计算机完成一个中央服务器派发的任务时,你可以在等待新指令时运行另一个项目。译注:貌似作者对BOINC Resource Share了解不够。
One option for other projects is But you can also visit and (sponsored by IBM), all using the same management software. You may also find variety of projects
一个寻找其他项目的站点选择是。(啊不用你也可以浏览 www.gridrepublic.org和 (由IBM赞助),他们都是用同一个管理软件运作的。你也可以在这个乱糟糟(2333)的网站上面找到各种选择:
For example, for simulations that help better predict weather, to research cures for cancer and AIDS, to study how molecules are put together, to determine the ideal starting sudoku and chess, and seek primes.

It may also be useful for many have a distributed computing approach to Facebook, with a campaign promoted by Intel, called Progress through processors (
在脸谱(Facebook,非死不可)网站上进行分布式计算尝试也很有效,通过Intel(⑨,Cirno inside i⑨)公司提供的一个叫做处理器造成的进步的活动(。

"In BOINC develop the technology to put this into practice, including the use of the computing capacity of the chips of the video accelerator, which are very powerful, in the new multicore processors, and on mobile devices. A growing more, and are very efficient in terms of energy consumption, which is the barrier that is facing supercomputing, "says Anderson.

The researcher also working in Bossa (, a technology that allows something like distributed computing, but with people. In some areas, this technique is known as crowdsourcing, ie use multiple heads instead of solving a problem. Boaters, perhaps unknowingly, have collaborated on projects like this: it works reCaptcha (, recently acquired by Google).

Many sites use a technology known as Captcha to validate comments in blogs and other pages: a series of letters hidden in an image, that humans are easy to recognize, but disoriented to computers (and spam-fighting applications ). In reCaptcha gave a twist: they have a project to digitize old texts, and show, as a validation system, words recognition software could not decode. Users contribute, with minimal effort, to identify these words and help in the digitization of books.

Another example: Galaxy Zoo ( to help classify galaxies by their shape. Does not require knowledge of astronomy, but a natural ability in all humans, which is to identify similar shapes. And Be a Martian ( NASA invites interested to see up close the red planet and help the U.S. space agency classified as part of a game, what they see on screen.

The most attractive, perhaps, will be the game (, to investigate how molecules fold (fundamental in combating diseases and the creation of new drugs). Although computers can analyze various combinations simultaneously, humans continue being more efficient at finding valid options. To enter simply download the application (free, cross-platform) and play with the shape of the molecules to find a valid. As with Galaxy Zoo, do not have knowledge on the subject, but eager to solve problems wit and collaborate with science.

And Games With A Purpose ( there are several simple games online to help the classification of images, songs and others.

"People will always exceed the computers on issues such as intuition, creativity and judgment, says Anderson. And humans are infinitely more diverse than computers, so the problem of transforming a population volunteer in a quantifiable resource (as scientists need) is a fascinating challenge, and is what we will be working in the coming years. " .


arthur200000 发表于 2013-7-18 19:40:39

@昂宿星团人 要不我找我那个懂西班牙语的表哥看看……

arthur200000 发表于 2013-7-24 04:32:10

Global Cooperation
Distributed computing projects allow you to put your idle time causes PC to serve as a cure for cancer or climate prediction.

Most of the time it is on, our computer is doing nothing, waiting. Or solving minor tasks that require only a fraction of its capacity. Even when doing any activity for any user is moderately important (browsing, sending e-mail, listening to music), most of the equipment is not demanding full to capacity calculation. As the engine of a car, the electronic brains have offering performance peaks. In the car could, for example, to make a bypass. On the PC, to make applications to load as fast as possible, and that some tasks (like video editing) are made in a comparatively short time. Also, of course, the processors are ready for more long-term tasks (such as running a video game, for example).

But most of the time the PC is in second or third gear, especially if it's a fairly modern computer. Just look at the Performance tab of the Windows Task Manager (activated with the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc) to see the recent history of the use of computer resources.




arthur200000 发表于 2013-7-24 09:12:23

@昂宿星团人 楼上有人在点评歪楼!

arthur200000 发表于 2013-7-25 07:02:26

@昂宿星团人 报告砖家说那个英文翻译还算不错……

arthur200000 发表于 2013-7-26 07:44:49

@昂宿星团人 六楼分割线以下的是今天的翻译。

昂宿星团人 发表于 2013-8-22 23:57:21

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